Crew Seeking Boats

Do YOU want to race... but don't have a boat?

No problem, simply POST A COMMENT BELOW, stating your desire to crew or get involved. Be sure to include your name, contact email or phone number, availability and skill level.

An NPSA captain or crew member that can accomodate you will respond to you as soon as they can.... And remember, all are welcome so don't hesitate to speak up!

See you on the water.


  1. Hi- I am not actually trying to sell anything! My girlfriend and I may be interested in crewing sometime, if you don't mind having total newbies for crew (we make excellent ballast!). Please contact me at if you think you could use us!

    1. In the 15 months since posting this comment, we have gained some sailing experience and training (ASA 101, 103, and 104 classes, as well as some time sailing and racing with friends in NC). We have, unfortunately, received no replies to our original post here.

  2. Hello all. New to Baltimore and very new to sailing. I’ve been out once. Would love to get involved and would love to join a boat if you have room. Ultimately I’d like to have a boat of my own. So you might be training up your competition. ;)
    I’m 39 6’2” (on a good day) 225 lbs and try to exercise daily.


  3. These paddle board shots from Tahoe are giving me serious wanderlust! I love how you can just pack up your board, hit the water, and instantly feel connected to nature. Plus, with Tahoe's pristine waters and fresh mountain air, it's the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Sign me up for a paddle board session ASAP! Tahoe paddle board
