2024 Socks On Party!

 On behalf of the 2024 NPSA Officers, we cordially invite you to the NPSA annual Socks-On Party and prize-giving!

Where: Fritz and Elizabeth Sieber's home, 10718 Pot Spring Rd, Cockeysville, MD 21030
Phone: 443-847-7211
Gate Code: #1854
When: Party starts at 2pm, prize-giving will begin at 2:30pm.
What: Andy Nelson's BBQ, adult beverages.
How much: $40/person.
What else you need to know: 
  • Nominations and voting for next year's Officers will also take place - Commodore, Vice-commodore, Treasurer, Race Officer, Communications Officer, and Secretary.
  • Bring an appetizer or dessert to share
We look forward to seeing you ALL there - and if not, be prepared to be nominated and voted in as an Officer for 2025!